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I am unable to log into the InfoEx application

Possible reasons:

  • Not in Google Chrome
  • Not using the correct username and password
  • Not linked to an operation

Related help documents:

I get a validation error with my weather observation and I can therefore not submit any weather information

When you get a validation error on a observation entry screen, the field that is causing the problem will be highlighted with a red border and label. If none of the fields in your favourite section are highlighted, open all of the collapsed section at the bottom and you will find the problematic field.

Most of the time, validation issue with weather observations is either caused by not filling out the HST CLEARED DATE or HST CLEARED TIME fields. BOTH of these fields are mandatory when submitting an HST or HSTW value. This is the reason why the HST CLEARED DATE or HST CLEARED TIME fields where dragged into the favourite section when the you move any HST field in there. Many people seem to drag the HST CLEARED TIME field out again.

Related help documents:

I am loosing my observations when I enter them in my workflow

This issue is most likely related to the fact that users do not save their observation by clicking on the Save & Close button before the click on the workflow navigation buttons (arrow buttons) to move forward in their workflow.

Related help documents:

I am getting an 504 error

504 is a generic error for “gateway timeout” - it basically means that some intermediary server (router/proxy/loadbalancer/etc) has closed the connection due to inactivity. On the user side, the 504 error could be related to a network issue (e.g., router or proxy). On our side it could only be done by the load balancer and that only happens in the case that it does not receive any data back from the app server in 60 seconds. We looked for 504 errors on the server, and we do see quite a few, however they are all related to users requesting large reports that take longer than 60 sec to generate on the app server. We do not see any 504 errors related to logins.