Logging into InfoEx

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This document describes how to log into the InfoEx application after you have already installed it on your computer. See Installing the InfoEx application for more information on how to install the application.

Step-by-step description

Fig. 1: InfoEx login screen
Start your Google Chrome browser and go to https://infoex.avalancheassociation.ca/ (Fig. 1).
2. Use your personal InfoEx account credentials to log into the application. See Signing up for a personal InfoEx account for details on how to get a personal account.
NOTE You need to be online when you log into an operation for the very first time. After that you can log into the application regardless whether you are online or offline.
NOTE If you bookmark the InfoEx application with your username/email address (e.g., https://infoex.avalancheassociation.ca/?email=user@avalanche.ca), your username will automatically be prefilled and you do not have to type it every time.
3. If your account is associated with multiple operations, you will now presented with either a number of buttons or a dropdown list that allows you to choose the operation you would like to use the application under.
4. You will immediately be presented with the CAA and AC Messages report. This report will only be displayed if you are online. If you are offline, you will receive a system message that reports can only be viewed when online and a second system message that informs you that a network error has occurred.

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Functionality tested by

  • Nov. 20, 2015: Stuart Smith