Deleting an existing operation PWL

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This document describes how to delete or at least hide a Operation PWL in the InfoEx system.


An Operation PWL is a locally defined persistent weak layer (PWL) in the snowpack. While PWLs in the old InfoEx system were simply referred to by a burial date, the new InfoEx system requires PWLs to be explicitly defined. This allows PWLs to be tracked more easily and offers opportunities for advanced queries.

Operation PWLs are managed within operations. Operation have full control over the characteristics of these PWLs.

Operation PWLs can be deleted in two different ways:

ISSUE It is currently not possible to delete an Operation PWL that has associated assessments and/or observations without the use of the Snowpack workflow module.
JIRA: -1194 (Dec. 9, 2013)

Step-by-step description

Permanently deleting an Operation PWL (online only)

1. Click on the PWL menu in the header of the InfoEx application and select 'Operation PWL' (Fig. 1). This will get you to a page that lists of all of the Operation PWLs that have been created by your operation. In addition to the general characteristics of the PWLs, the list also offers an overview of the number of associated observations and assessments.
Fig. 1: Accessing the Operation PWL menu
2. Highlight the Operation PWL you would like to edit by clicking on it in the list. The row of the selected PWL will be highlighted in a pale yellow.
3. Click on the ButtonDelete.png button beneath the 'Operation PWL' title to permanently delete the Operation PWL.
NOTE It is only possible to delete Operation PWL that do not have any observations or assessments associated with them. If you are trying to delete an Operation PWL with observation or assessments, you will get a system message informing you that you cannot delete it from the system. Click here for more information on how to at least hide the PWL from your dropdown lists.
4. Click on Yes in the confirmation dialog to confirm that you want to permanently delete the Operation PWL.

Setting the status of an Operation PWL as inactive in the Snowpack workflow module (offline and online)

1. In the snowpack module of one of your workflows (Fig. 3), click on the grey bar of the Operation PWL that you would like to hide in your dropdown lists. This will open the assessment section for the particular Operation PWL.
Fig. 3: Snowpack workflow module with list of Operation PWLs in bottom half of screen.
2. Set the status of the particular Operation PWL to 'inactive'. From now on the particular Operation PWL will be hidden from the any dropdown lists and the next time to execute a workflow it will also not be shown in the PWL section of the snowpack module.
NOTE To retrieve the inactive Operation PWL at a future date, click on the Add Inactive and choose the desired Operation PWL from the list of available PWLs.

Click here for more information on the Snowpack workflow module.

Related documents

Operation PWLs

Community PWLs

Assessing PWLs

Functionality tested by

  • Jan. 2, 2014: Pascal Haegeli